Are any events BYOB (bring your own bottle)?
What is your cancellation policy?
Peace, Love And Painting is an entertainment event much like a concert, dinner theater or movie theater. We do allow cancellations or reschedules unlike the above but we do require a 48 hour notice for our regularly scheduled classes. To cancel your private party, you must cancel within 7 days of the event or else you will be charged for the minimum person requirement listed above. Cancellations should be made via email or by phone. This provides us the opportunity to fill the space. We will provide a full refund or reschedule you with 48 hours notice. We will charge the event fee for reservations not cancelled 48 hours in advance. Public classes are subject to cancellation without a minimum of 10 attendees. Cancellations are very rare and customers will be notified via phone and/or email of cancelled classes .
Corporate Team Building. Is a Peace, Love And Painting Private Event right for your corporate gathering?
How far will you travel for a Private Event?
Is Peace, Love And Painting right for my child?
Is there an age limit for Peace, Love And Painting?